10 March  7 April - 2014: Abstract due date

 24 March 10 April - 2014: Author notification of acceptance

 31 March 15 April - 2014: Registration deadline with early payment

 22 April 30 April - 2014: Manuscript due date

 09 May - 2014: Online registration deadline


The submission and review of papers for the PTEE 2014 will be managed through an online conference paper management system called EasyChair ( This system gives you, the author, complete control over your submission. You can upload your abstract and check on the review status of your submission.

The submission process consists of three stages:

1. Submit a 500 word abstract online at for scientific review and selection purposes.
2. Submit a 100 word summary suitable for the conference program.
3. Submit a full length manuscript (6 pages maximum) for publication in PTEE2014 Proceedings


At least one author must be register at the conference.

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